North-Eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean and connected seas

Tsunami Information Centre


According to Resolution XXIII-14 membership in ICG/NEAMTWS includes:

  • Member States of the IOC bordering the north-eastern Atlantic and those bordering and within the Mediterranean Se...

[zt_tab title="National Tsunami Warning Centre" active="yes"]

Name of Organization
Name of Official

Country Information
Location 34°02′N 6°51′W1
Area 446,550 km2 3
Coastline 1,835 km*
Population 32,521,000  (2012)3 
Official Languages Arabic and Berber1
Natural Hazards Drought and flood2
  •  Sources : 
  • 1 Wikipedia
  • 2 Prevention web
  • 3 UN Data
  • * The World factbook
Awareness and Education Materials